We earn our income with our laptops while being present at home. 

Our passion is helping others, showing them that there is more to life than just working. We believe that all dreams can come true and that anything is possible.

We primarily work from home, but we love discovering new places, spending time with family and friends, and focusing on our health as much as possible.

We work on projects that focus on health, sustainability and helping others.

If you want a change, know that you can change any moment. We’re here to guide you throughout your whole journey, and not only us but also the whole community will be your best friend!

Listen to our story in the webinar on the next page!

Feel free to connect with us:

These are the 3 key pillars you will learn about in this webclass:

How working with the right, conscious 
high-ticket products will help you create a financial source with no income limit
How to use social media marketing, paid advertising & automation that attracts interested buyers 24/7  
How to launch an independent business alongside a global, online community: Become the Change

What is Become the Change?

Essentially, our community is a group of like-minded, ambitious, and positive change makers! And not just that, it's also YOUR support system whilst you're getting started with your own entrepreneurial journey. 

Setting up your business can be scary and challenging at first, but the good thing is you’re never alone.

Having a community with people who are or who have been going through the same as you is a game changer. You always have the possibility to ask for help, guidance, and support, and since they’ve been where you are, they know how you feel and they know what can help you overcome it. 

Become the Change is a group of online people who will support you throughout your whole journey. Our community consists of more than 3000 people with all different goals, ages and dreams. 

But the one thing we all have in common is that we believe we all deserve a freedom based lifestyle. 

Listen to what other people from BTC have to say 
about working online!


It’s sometimes challenging to believe that something is possible. The thing is, most of the time it’s usually because you just simply don’t know how to do it or have never done it before.
It’s like saying YES to the unknown. 

Well if it’s to travel the world, spend more time with your family, volunteer in some way, or simply just earn a little more money.

We are here to help you understand there IS a way. It can all be achieved.
BUT: Reality check. If you want a different result, you have got to be prepared to do something different first.

We want you to know, we were all just like you. Looking for ways to earn an income online, escape the job that you don’t necessarily like, working towards someone else’s dream - rather than our own. Realising our life is worth so much more.

And there comes a time where a lightbulb hits. Enough is Enough. There becomes a point where you are done staying stagnant in life & want change. And that might be you right now. The reason why you’re here reading this.

And it’s that moment, that’s where we have all taken action. Started to listen to the people who have had the success & are already where we want to be. It just became a case of simply opening up our minds, look at everything from a different perspective and just decide to say yes to the unknown.

See the unknown as endless opportunity rather than risk. 

Nothing to lose, only everything to gain.

The moment you decide that you want a better life for yourself is the moment the entire universe begins to shift in your favour.
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